Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I have discovered new tools and sites. Some of these would have been helpful in the teaching of my internet classes which have now been dropped. Rightly so, there were so many new things here for people to discover besides just websites. I have really enjoyed ning, animoto and flickr. I had already decided to do new 'work' in my classroom for next year with new tools and new communication pathways. This includes podcasts. It is too bad that some of these sites will be blocked at school. I am glad that I did these exercises in the summer because at times they were very time consuming, hair-pulling, frustrating, but also exciting. I plan to keep my rss feeds, etc., along with other accounts as I like saving my time in doing tasks. What a ride!

#23 Creative Commons

I was glad to learn more about copyright as this has always been a difficult issue for teachers. Thank goodness for our great librarians to who we can go and get answers! I always loved having a librarian in my internet class to help with these issues. The video "Fair(y) Tales" is a collection of Disney movie snippets used creatively to teach a lesson and give information. Creative Commons allows the sharing of our creative ideas yet still have a license for what others can modify or edit. CC helps relieve a burden for teachers concerning copyright and they, in turn, can help to educate others.

#22 Podcasts

Some Podcasts had audio only while some had video also and because of the video some were slow to load. I chose to listen to bluegrass. http://www.trumix.com/podshows/3336286. This comes from podcastdirectory.com. I enjoyed this because it is rather out of character for me, but enjoyable. I have already planned to have my 6th grade students compose a podcast for next year. I think that this will be enjoyable for them. I found the directories easy to use and I liked  how they were broken down. Would I listen regularily? I am not sure.

#21 Animoto

This one was one of the easier to embed into my blog. Hope that you enjoy! I got so excited because this worked so well, that I should have added more! I did put in 11 pics and arranged them the way that I wanted them shown. However, 2 pics were not included and I assume that is because the music was shorter. I did enjoy doing this and will do more with other pics that I have. Students will enjoy viewing these, plus any new ones that are made in class. Looking forward to this one.

The Morris' Dogs